Fraternity & Sorority Facilities Project Request Submission

Basic Information

Fraternity and Sorority Facilities Committee Request Overview:

Fraternity, Sorority, and any other student organizations which lease land from the University of Mississippi and plan to construct or renovate a facility on that land must submit plans/specifications prepared and stamped by a licensed Mississippi Architect and/or contractor, where necessary, in accordance with the Greek Housing Architectural Design Guidelines (GHADG). A complete set of the GHADG are available HERE

This form is the first step in receiving approval from the Fraternity & Sorority Facilities Committee (FSFC) for any proposed construction, renovation, or update projects taking place on land owned by the University of Mississippi. A project may not commence until written approval is provided either by the Fraternity & Sorority Facilities Committee or the University's Senior Leadership Team.

Once received, the project will be logged and assigned a project number. The individual who submitted the request will be notified that the project has been accepted into the system for review by receipt of its project number. 

The Fraternity & Sorority Facilities Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month. All requests filed prior to the meeting will be reviewed. 

The following requests will additionally be sent to the Senior Leadership Team for approval, following the Fraternity & Sorority Facilities Committee meeting each month:

  • Land Request (approval of land allocated to a particular organization from land already identified by the Director of Facilities Planning and previously approved senior leaders)
  • Request for New Construction (change in the footprint of facility)
  • Request for Major Renovation totaling $100k or more
  • Any change to a lease

In each of these situations, effective May 1, 2017, the Fraternity & Sorority Facilities Committee will send its recommendation to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. The Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs will share with the Senior Leadership Team (as appropriate), which will review the request and provide a response in writing within 60 days.

If you have questions about this form please contact:

Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life
218 Student Union Drive, Suite D
University, MS 38677